General Practitioner
As a registered resident, you will have the choice to choose one out of three general practitioners serving here in Klaksvík. Generally, you will receive a letter from the municipality for you to choose. If you have not received this letter, please contact Miðlan.
The general practitioner is your first contact if you have any medical-related questions or conditions. He or she will refer you to a specialized doctor or the appropriate hospital if the medical condition needs further specialized attention.
Address: við Sandin
Telephone number: 66 33 00
Opening hours: 08.00 – 16.00
You can make an appointment online at: www.laknarklaksvik.fo or via telephone between the hours of 08.00 – 11.00.
Address: Sniðgøta 1
Telephone number: 45 45 45
Email: ks@ks.fo
Website: www.ks.fo
Currently, there are three hospitals located in the Faroe Islands: Klaksvík, Tórshavn, and Tvøroyri in Suðuroy. In most cases, hospital admittance or referrals are made by your general practitioner. In emergency, you can visit the emergency room or call 112.
Health Insurance
Faroe Islands works to ensure that all citizens and residents receive free healthcare services. If you are visiting short-term, Nordic and Great Britain citizens, you have same access to the healthcare system here if you become ill or injured on your trip. Citizens of other countries, you must have a health insurance while you are visiting here short-term.
If you have a Faroese ID-number, you are already part of National Health Insurance which you are entitled to general and specialized medical treatment. You also receive financial supplement for medicine, dental treatment, and other specialized treatments.
Please note that there are certain specialized treatments not completely free. This is also true for dental treatment as well.
If you are pregnant, you have the right to free childbirth assistance irrespective of your nationality.