
Language café in Klaksvík

Red Cross Faroe Islands will launch a new monthly drop-in language café in Klaksvík, starting this Thursday 29th of September 

Málkafé is an informal drop-in* language café run by Red Cross volunteers. Volunteers will speak Faroese with anyone who wants to practise their Faroese conversational skills.

In Klaksvík, the language Café takes place on the last Thursday of every month between 17.00 - 19.00 at Klaksvíkar bókasavn.
Link to facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1150997255511409/?ref=newsfeed

Málkafé is an informal drop-in Language café run by Red Cross volunteers.
Volunteers will speak Faroese with anyone who wants to practice their Faroese conversational skills.
The language café starts on the 29th of September 2022, and takes place last Thursday of every month between 17.00 - 19.00 at Klaksvíkar bókasavn
Everyone, including children, is welcome

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